Why and when to Drench?

Pre-Tupping Ewes & Rams

When: Just 5ml to Ewes 3-4 Weeks prior to Tupping to “Flush” the Ewe.

When: Just 5ml to Rams 6-8 Weeks prior to Tupping to help support stamina & fertility

“Flushing” results in

  • Increased Ovulation rate and therefore higher lambing rates
  • The Ewe comes into heat more promptly
  • Higher conception rates


When: Dose just 5ml, 4-5 weeks prior to Lambing to help maintain the Ewes rapidly diminishing body reserves.

  • Ewe live weight begins to rapidly increase during late pregnancy and in turn the ewes demand for energy protein minerals and vitamins increases
  • Ewes energy requirements rapidly exceed her physical capacity (dry matter intake)
  • 65-70% of lamb growth occurs in the last 6 weeks (equivalent to 400-500% increase in weight of foetus)
  • Sudden acceleration in growth puts big demands on the Ewe to supply the rapidly developing foetus with key nutrients, especially if carrying twins or triplets
  • Lamb(s) exert pressure on the rumen due to lack of space and Ewes intake is reduced
  • Good Ewe nutrition and supplementation is essential to achieve high lamb birth weights and allow good levels of colostrum production
  • Data from the meat & livestock commission indicates that the higher the birth weight of the lamb, the lower the rate of mortality & the higher the finishing weight of the lamb


When: Dose 5ml post Weaning to help the Ewe increase her body reserves and prepare for another production cycle.

  • Soil deficiencies have an impact on the quality of mineral uptake during grazing as can silage and other forages
  • Milk production during lactation will also have depleted the Ewes reserves of certain trace elements and minerals


When: Dose 1-2ml from 6 Weeks to remedy identified Trace Element deficiencies

Dose 3-5ml from 3-6 Months depending on conditions & 5ml from 6 Months onwards.

  • Helps to increase the lambs resistance to disease & hypothermia
  • Aids energy conversion and metabolism
  • Increases feed efficiency
  • Enhances development & growth performance
  • Along with a number of other issues, in key areas weaned lambs are at risk of cobalt deficiency, or pine resulting in delayed finishing times and reduced weights, however The Welsh Drench immediately provides the lamb with trace elements and vitamin supplementation that is rapidly absorbed to help with cobalt and Vitamin B12 levels

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